Fit & Healthy Eyes


Trying to stay fit? Keeping in shape? Trying out the latest fads of diets to get ready for the summer? Well, remember to keep your eyes fit too!  May is Eye Health Awareness month. Exams, a healthy diet, & of course good eye protection are a few ways to keep those eyes forever young. This not only applies to adults, but the kiddos as well! Luckily, Dr. Kash has your eye health tips coming right up!

This week, it’s nutrition and your eyes! What we eat affects our bodies either negatively or in a good way. So, being sure to maintain a healthy diet, or at least try to, is essential to our overall health and that includes our vision! Here are some important, wholesome foods and the nutrients they contain that help promote healthy eyes.

  • Eggs, Leafy greens, Milk, & the not so popular Beef liver – These foods contain Vitamin A which helps reduce the risk of night blindness, as well as aids in keeping the eyes lubricated, thereby preventing dry eyes.
  • Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach – When such Beta-Carotene rich foods as these are combined with other vitamins, this essential nutrient can help to reduce the progression of Macular Degeneration.
  • Cold-Water Fish, Walnuts, & Flaxseed Oil – These Omega 3-fatty acid rich foods help in the prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy, as well as promote good cardiovascular health.

While there many more good, eye healthy foods out there, these are just a few of them! But these are a good place to start.  Next week, Dr. Kash has more eye health tips coming up…stay tuned!